
Precious Saints Music




Product Details

Watching a family member or close friend suffer during their last days is extremely

difficult. How can we help those we love as death draws nearer? Psalm 116:15 promises,
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Although the saints continue to
suffer for yet a little while, soon God will take away their pain and carry them home to glory.
But until that day, is there a way we can provide them with some comfort or peace? This desire
to help those suffering led Sandra Roberts to sing hymns in nursing homes and hospitals over the
past few years. As she sang, time and again peace would take over the pain of those who were
suffering. Music provided them with a gentle respite. Sandra’s CD titled “Soothing Music for the
Precious Saints” includes 10 beautiful hymns written, sung, and recorded for those waiting to
step into glory and leave their pain behind. Also included is the song “Heaven Must Be
Beautiful” written in honor of the passing of Sandra’s father. If there is someone you love who
is suffering, the hymns on this CD will help to ease their pain and to encourage their hearts.


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