1 Corinthians 14:40 “Let all things be done decently and in order.”
Coming off of our summer Youth Conference, and answering some questions for some YPs about how we put things together. These ideas could be used for VBS, Youth Rallies, Conferences and any other special meetings. Here are some ideas about “How to Have an Awesome Youth Rally”
I. Set Your Dates
The first thing you will need to decide is what time of year to plan your meeting: Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter. This will vary based on your ministry.
Secondly: What night of the week? Every church is different. In our ministry, Friday seems to be the best night of the week. I have seen some ministries do activities on Saturday, but one must be careful to not discourage or hinder church attendance. BTW- As YPs we must be very careful not to conflict with family activities and other ministry activities, church, school, community, etc. Once you get your dates set…It’s ON!
II. Speak to your Speakers
Contrary to popular belief, the main event of every youth rally/conference is not the activity… it’s the preaching. Thus, you should ask yourself, Who is going to preach your meeting? Just so we are good, there is nothing wrong with the YP or the host Pastor preaching. Many times an outside speaker is brought in to help the teens of the host church as well as to be a featured speaker to churches in the area. BTW- Always Confirm these speakers BEFORE you advertise them. Many will need to be booked ahead.
III. Search for a Theme
A Theme will help you with decoration, advertising, excitement, preaching and overall promotion of the Youth Rally. Teenagers are always more excited when meetings are themed. BTW- Your theme does not have to be carnal to be cool. Use scripture. Stay away from Hollywood. Find a Theme that is Fun but Fundamental. Brave yet Bible.
IV. Start Advertising and Promoting
There are so many FREE and low cost ways to promote our meetings today. First design and print a Flyer. A Sharp, Nice Flyer. Post it on every social media outlet you have. Encourage everyone to share it. Boost it for a minimal cost. Then print some of those great looking flyers. Pass them out to all of your Teens in Sunday School. Hang them everywhere in the Church. Mail them to all the Churches in your area. Pass it out on the Bus Route and Visiting Prospects. Encourage Teens to pass them out at School and Work.
V. Secure an Order of Service
We have all been to church services and even rallies and conferences where it seemed like utter chaos. Plan your work. Work your plan. Don’t get sidetracked. Sit down and write down what all will you include in your Rally? You may have to ask yourself – What do you want? How much time do you have? How much of each can you have? Games? Songs? Bible Quiz? Bible Drill? Giveaways? Prizes? Preaching? Activities?
BTW – I have found there are 3 Key Ingredients to every great Youth Rally- Food. Fun. Fiery Preaching.
If you have these, you will have a great Youth Rally!
VI. Saturate YOUR Teenagers with the Rally
You want everyone to come to your Youth Rally, but you especially want YOUR teenagers to come. Make sure you mention it often. Talk about how big, how important, how awesome it is. Make sure they see your heart. Let them know it is not just YOUR Youth Rally, make sure they know it is THIER Youth Rally.
Get them involved. The more involved they are, the more they will want to be there.
Do skits with them. Let them sing. Let them take offering.
Let them serve. Let them help in Games. Let them give Testimonies or Preach
VII. Stay on Budget
Perhaps this one is near and dear to my heart because I’m the financial manager at our church, but seriously a Youth Rally does not have to be expensive. Don’t overspend. If you can keep your expenses minimal you can also keep your charge minimal which will increase your chances of a crowd. If you have an activity, obviously you will need to charge enough to cover the expense of the activity, but you should weigh the risks of any high priced activities. If you do not have an activity you can still charge a small fee to cover the cost of the food or you can “eat” the cost (LOL) and have a free Youth Rally. BTW – $5 is a fair fee. You can do a lot with $5.
VIII. Special Activities and Prizes are ALWAYS a good Idea
Attaching a special activity or giving away special prizes at a Youth Rally is always a good idea. At every KYF we have each month, every church has something special in addition to the games, songs, prizes, preaching and food at the Youth Rally.
There are special activities such as:
Dodgeball Tournaments. Mini-Golf. Batting Cages. Go-Carts.
Laser Tag. Skating. Basketball. Volleyball. Horseback Riding.
Corn Hole Tournaments. Competitive Eating.
Special Prizes such as: Cash, Electronics, Bibles, Trips, Giftcards, Food, Candy,
IX. Spiritual and Fun CAN be and SHOULD be Balanced
Obviously there must be Preaching. There should be Preaching. There will be Preaching. Preaching should be paramount at your Youth Rally. There should be an altar call given, and decisions should be made. The teens should grow from having attended your Youth Rally. However, they should also have a ton of fun afterward. After the Preaching, there should be Fun! Teenagers need Balance. They need to know that having a good time is good.
X. Start working like it all depends on you, and praying like it all depends on God!
Ok. Here goes. Once you think you have all of the things done. Tie up all the loose ends. Make all the calls to your teens and all of the area YPs. Buy all the stuff. Pick up all the Teens. Then Pray that God shows up and does a work in the lives of the teens, because that is what all of this craziness is really about.
Hope this helps.

William Davis |Youth Pastor
Clays Mill Baptist Church