Solo Slide
OBJECTIVE:Be the first team to score! ITEMS NEEDED:Solo Cups, Table, TapeSetup: Tape 1 solo cup off of each end of...
OBJECTIVE:Be the first team to score! ITEMS NEEDED:Solo Cups, Table, TapeSetup: Tape 1 solo cup off of each end of...
Objective:Be the first team to correctly guess all of the clues Items Needed:CODENAMES BOARD GAME (link below), Projector or TV...
Objective:Be the first team to get three people in a row. Items Needed:Chairs, 2 Different Colors of Paper, Area How...
Objective: Have your team win by making the best pictures! Items Needed: Downloadable Document (bottom of page), Paper, Pens\Sharpie How...
Objective:Get the most points at the end the innings! Items Needed:Field, Bases, Kickball, and Uno Cards How To Play:Game is...
This game it literally one of the funniest games you will ever try! If you like it share it and...
Objective:Get the most points Items Needed:White board, Markers, Questions OR Posted below is the link we used with the questions...
Objective:Score the most points of the two teams! Items Needed:A Piece of Paper and Pen Per Team How To Play:Divide...
Objective:Get the most chocolate on your doughnut Items Needed:Blindfolds, Doughnuts, String\Yarn, Sticks (broomsticks\poles\etc.), Bowls, Chocolate syrup, Table. How To Play:This...
Objective:Be the last team standing! Items Needed:Nothing! Just People How To Play:Variation of Musical Chairs. Separate into guys and girls sides....