Objective: Don’t have your fact guessed as yours. But Guess everyone else’s fact.
Items Needed: Bowl, Paper, Pens
How To Play:
Everyone take one or two strips of paper (make all strips about the same size) and writes an unknown/unique, but TRUE, fact about themselves on each strip of paper. If you have a large group just do one fact\strip per person. For smaller groups do two. Players are not allowed to discuss what they wrote on the paper, and they should not write their name on the paper – just a fact about them.
Once all have written the facts, fold the papers and place them in a bowl
One person starts the game by taking a strip of paper out of the bowl and reading it aloud. The person to the left of the reader guesses who they think the strip of paper belongs to, simply by calling out their name or pointing. Then the person to their left guesses also, continuing around the circle until everyone has guessed. The reader guesses last.
After everyone has guessed, the owner of the strip of paper, and of course, they will need to explain themselves if it is a funny or unusual fact.
Scoring: Anyone who guessed correctly gets 1 point. Or, if the correct person wasn’t guessed at all, that person gets 8 points! This is why you want to write something crazy that will throw the group off! You don’t want people to guess it’s you!
Pass the bowl and the next reader goes. Play continues the same way until all the papers with facts have been read. Once the bowl is empty count up the scores. Whoever has the most points wins!