Get the most flour into the bowl!
Flour, Bowls, Uno Cards, Tables, goggles (optional but good)
Divide into two teams of five players each. They line up shoulder to shoulder and are each given an uno card. they must place this card in their mouth and not touch it for the rest of the round. The goal is to transport as much flour from the bowl by the first person down the line to the player at the end who will dump it in the second bowl. Whichever team has the most flour in the bowl at the end of the time wins!
The first person in line is allowed to hold the card in their hand as they must scoop out the flour so its a little harder. They must then pass it to the next player who has the card in their mouth and they pass it to the next and so on until it reaches the last player in the line who must (with card in mouth) Dumb the flour into the end bowl.
This game is hilarious and hard cause players that aren’t careful will blow the flour into the face of their teammate and it gets a little messy. A good thing to have is goggles so it doesn’t get into their eyes.