Scavenger Relay Structure:
Split up into 2 teams (3 or 4 teams if larger group of 25 plus). All teams are located together in a central location. Each team then receives a bucket or container filled with slips of paper (each team has the same items). Upon “go!”, the first person on each team draws a slip of paper and must go retrieve the item on that slip (ie: a songbook from the church auditorium). Once the first player on the team has returned to the central location with the item, the next person in line for that team can draw a slip of paper and retrieve their item. After the round is over Teens must return each item they retrieved to its proper place
- Winning the game
- 1) Whichever team finishes first stops the game, and current point totals are final …OR…
- 2) Set a time limit and whichever team has the most points wins
- Variables
- Place different point values on different items. Some items may take longer to find (ie: something outside, something relatively hidden, or an item that could potentially be in multiple locations)
- To eliminate drag, you could set a time limit (ie: 90 seconds), and once that time has been hit, the next person on the team must draw a new slip, but the current teen loses the ability to get the points for their item.
- Because there are different point values, Team A can retrieve more items than Team B in a set time frame but still lose the game if Team B retrieved more high point value items than Team A.
I did not do this, but you can create riddles to describe the items (it just takes more prep)
- Pros: relay oriented so relatively fast moving; gets everybody involved; can be funny if a teen needs to retrieve something comical
- Cons: if you have more than 8 or 10 people on a team, individuals can find themselves standing while waiting; there is running involved, the mistake I made was making the central location right around a corner…we had several run-ins including my 5 year old son getting hit with a plant base and a massive black eye, so I’d suggest using a location that minimizes unforeseen collisions
- Prep & Supplies Needed:
- List of (non-breakable) items throughout the building (or property)
- Typed clues on slips of paper
- Predetermine the point values
- Buckets or containers
- Master copy of items with appropriate point values
- Roles
- Moderator
- Score keeper for each team (it can be hard to juggle multiple point values for multiple teams)
- Optional: bucket holder for each team

Danny Ortiz | YP
Frederick Baptist Church | Frederick, MD