Acts 9:6 “And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.“
Question: Who is going to set the direction for your life? We really only have four options: God, Satan, Self, or Society (friends and influencers). Truth be told the direction of our lives is usually a mix of one or more of these.
Second Question: Have you ever asked God what He wants from you and your life? Our Bible passage is the salvation experience of Saul of Tarsus. The moment he got a glimpse of the glorified Jesus he fell to his knees and asked Life’s MOST important question. Are you ready for it? Here it is, Saul asked this question to God: “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” In that moment of seeing the awe-inspiring glory of God he knew that whatever God wanted from him was the one question he must ask God.
When we ask God for His input in our life it gives us three amazing things:
Divine Direction – There is nothing so awesome as knowing that you know and are doing God’s will in your life. We only get one life, let’s live it to our full protentional by having Divine Direction.
Eternal Perspective – The pull of the desires of this life are real and they are powerful. Far too many of God’s children live their one and only life fixated on the stuff of this short life rather than living with an eternal perspective. Seeing this life in light of eternity changes our desires and our decisions.
Passionate Purpose for Life – From the moment Paul got off his knees he was a changed man. He lived with a burning fire in his heart that motivated him to take the gospel to the far ends of the world. He was an unstoppable force for good and for God. He lived a passionate life full of purpose!
Thought to Glow On: Ask God what He wants from your life: You’ll won’t regret it!

Pastor Robert Pophal
Rose Park Baptist Church | Holland, MI