Psalms 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”
There is a myth that we all believe in our youth which is that our time is limitless. Sadly, that is not true. Our days are numbered down to the day, hour, minute and second. We have an expiration date like a jug of milk stamped on us that only God can see and the clock is ticking down second by second. Tick…Tick…Tick… I’m not writing this devotion to scare you or depress you; I’m writing this as a man who is now halfway to 100 years old who has realized that time is a precious gift from God and must not be wasted. I’m writing to help you make the most out of the one life God gives you. You can make money again, you can buy more stuff, but you cannot make time again. Tick…Tick…Tick…
Far too many young Christians are like the younger son in Luke 15 who grew up in a godly home only turn on God to go live in the pig pen of the world. Thankfully he came back, some never do, and some never get the chance to. We all rejoice in the young man coming back to God but there was one thing he couldn’t get back: the time wasted living for self, sin, and Satan. Tick…Tick…Tick…
I do not know how many days, months or years I have left to live for God, but I do know this: I don’t want to waste a single one of them because wasted years can never be reclaimed. Tick…Tick…Tick… Time is a gift from God: don’t waste it!

Robert Pophal
Senior Pastor | Rose Park Baptist Church of Holland, Michigan