Be the last man standing by quickly guessing the correct side
Items Needed:
Left or Right Questions(attached to the bottom of the post), Masking Tape, People
How To Play:
Divide the room with the masking tape. The whole group stands on the line. The YP then explains that the students must pick a side whichever side they think is the correct side and go to that side. For Bible version (New Testament vs Old Testament) make sure you emphasize or have signs saying which side is OT and which side is NT. The last person to choose a side is eliminated. go until the last person is standing.
There is a second version of the game (also attached) where they must decide if the answer is left or right. They can only choose one side and it is not who gets there last just elimination by who chooses the wrong side.
OPTIONAL: Once they pick a side they cannot switch sides. This helps speed the game up and must be played in the second way of playing where there is only one answer.