Objective: Score the most points by getting the “Bacon” back to your team’s side without getting caught
Items Needed: An Object(the bacon) to steal i.e. (a cone, flag, stick, ball, etc.)
How To Play: Divide the group into two teams. Have each team stand in one line facing the other team. Assign each person from each team a number. Place your object (the Bacon) in between the two teams. The Game host randomly calls out a number and when the number is called the players (one from each team) who have been assigned that number, race to grab the bacon and bring it back to their side. The player that brings that bacon back to their side gets a point, BUT – the other player who doesn’t have the bacon can tag the player who stole the bacon. If the player without the bacon tags the player with the bacon then the bacon is dropped and must go back to the center no one is awarded a point, and another number is called out initiating two more players who attempt to get the “Bacon” back to their side.
You can do first team to set points or a set number of rounds.
Whichever team has the most points wins the game!
FUN TWIST: If you are playing outside a fun way to change up the game is each player is given a water balloon and in order to tag someone they must hit them with a water balloon if the player is not hit with the water balloon and gets back to their side they win!