Prov 27:17 “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend”
There are no lone ranger success stories. We all have had those who have impacted and affected our lives to help mold and make us who we are today. Whether they be older, younger or our peers, these “friends” help us to grow in a healthy manner. It has been said that men would rather do life shoulder to shoulder than face to face. Many times our relationships never develop much depth. However, we need different types of friends in our lives to keep us balanced.
A 2019 study of 2,000 U.S. adults found that the average number of lifelong friends is three, 45 percent said they would make new friends if there were more opportunities, and the average person has not made a new friend in five years. Given our commitments to our families, work, and other primary responsibilities, time for friends can be drastically limited. We need to find time to connect intentionally with these 3 different types of friends.
1. Mentor (Pastor Fugate)
We need mentors in whom we can confide safely. Webster’s defines “Mentor” as a friend and advisor. Many times these are men who have more “mileage” and life experiences. Whether this is your dad, Pastor, grandpa, you should have someone you spend regular time with talking about the things in your life and getting godly wisdom from. For me, my Mentor is Pastor Jeff Fugate. “Preacher” as he is affectionately known is someone I can go to on a regular basis and talk to, but more importantly LISTEN. He imparts wisdom for life, family, ministry and personal improvement.
2. Encourager (Bro. Dallas)
Encouragers are important because they offer support when we need it most. Encouragement is like chocolate, you may not need it now, but it’s always good. Encourage means to “put in courage”. As we face all that life has for us it is good to have someone that you know you can call and be lifted up when you are down.
My Encourager is my wife! But a male friend that is an encouragement to me is Evangelist Chris Dallas. I can call him anytime and he ALWAYS lifts my spirit. Whether with something funny (He is an expert in memes) or something spiritual like a devotional thought from the day, he always encourages me. We have laughed together, cried together and I have been helped just by having him as my friend.
3. Disciple (My Teen Guys)
Teaching and leading others is a wonderful life and allows us the opportunity to pour our life experiences into the next generation of young men. I love being a YP. The Lord will often point out a teen to me and I will purposely spend extra time with them that week. Discipleship is not a bad word. It is a bible work. We must spend time discipling the next generation. It is not enough to win them to Christ and bring them to church… Jesus made disciples. Followers. Learners.
My disciples are my teenage guys. I spend hours with them on Wednesday and Sunday as a group, but some of the most productive time discipling them is the trips home when questions are asked, topics are personal and we can get past the fluff and down to following what Christ wants for their lives.
Who is your Mentor?
Who is your Encourager?
Who is your Disciple?
Here are 3 friends every YP needs!
William Davis | Youth Pastor
Clays Mill Baptist Church | Lexington, KY