Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Words Matter. They matter a lot. Spoken words, written words, digital words, they all matter and they all last. In fact, Jesus said that our every word is being recorded in heaven (Matthew 12:36). We had better mind our words or at least engage our mind before moving our mouth! Physical wounds heal pretty quickly but the wounds left behind by cutting words can last a lifetime. In the wisdom that God have Solomon he refers to the “words of the wise” (Proverbs 1:6). Let’s consider these wise words. We have very little influence on what other people say to us or about us, but we absolutely have the responsibility and power to speak wise words. Proverbs is one of the best places in the Bible to learn how to have Wise Words. There are 181 direct references to our words in Proverbs, about one in every five verses deals with our tongue. That is because one of the greatest lessons of wisdom is how to manage our mouth. Here are five questions to ask before you speak so that we are speaking Wise Words:
1. Are these True or False words?
2. Are these Wise or Wicked words?
3. Are these Helpful or Hurtful words?
4. Is this the Right Time for these words?
5. Why am I speaking these words?
Your words will help or hurt people today: choose wisely!
Robert Pophal | Pastor
Rose Park Baptist Church | Holland, MI