Absolute trust in God is a quality that is rarely found. Why can Christians Absolute trust in God is a quality that is rarely found. Why can Christians trust God with their salvation but not their life? All of us seem to have something that we are holding back from God. Maybe it’s a possession that is dear to us. Maybe it’s a person in our life or a dream that excludes God. Maybe it’s our thought process; we are critical of others or allow our minds to go wherever we please. Maybe it’s a sin that keeps us from being all we should be. We all need to come to the point where we learn to put absolute trust in God and not our feelings. Living by the principles of Jesus and not the pressures of this world is a great place to start. God never asks us to step out alone in faith. He is already where He is asking us to go. When children are learning to walk, they put absolute trust into their parents. They trust that dad and mom will be there to help them. We need to put that kind of trust into God. Remember, if Christ is your Saviour, you are not holding onto God, God is holding onto you. The Scriptures teach that Jesus is our example, so I find myself pondering Matthew 27:43. They said Jesus was known for trusting God, but they threw in a little jab: if He will have Him. Jesus had the ability to call angels to His aid but He didn’t. He had absolute trust in God even when others did not understand. The time will come when all of us have to decide- will we hold something back or put absolute trust in God?
Pastor William Turner
Open Door Baptist Church | Lima, Ohio